Wednesday, July 30, 2008




为什么你不肯照顾自己呢?一定要让我那么担心吗?一定要自己病倒又进医院吗?一定要每次都那么倔强吗?难道你都不懂我的心会痛吗?也许是我多心吧。。。你能不能不要那么的自私?想想担心你的人吧!可以吗?今天看到你,好像很生气酱。你懂我心很痛吗?问你又不答。叫你又不应我。你是想怎样?就因为我昨天跟你说那些话你就生气了吗?我说得不就是你要的吗?难道你不是很想我不再追你吗?我现在说我去……为什么你会这样? 为什么?我请你照顾自己好吗?我不想再看到你在医院躺着了。上一次你进医院我的心已经很痛了。真的。。照顾自己。。希望你能做到咯。。答应我。。拜托。。

Thursday, July 24, 2008

24/7 心情

今天的我。。心情还不错。。今天是我第一那么用心读书。。读数学。。真的是乱到。。。不懂怎样说。。希望能及格吧!到了乐团,我感到很“blur” 。。因为我不知道发生什么事。。然后看到我那些blurblur 的组员又不懂在那边发什么呆。。真是激到。。但都忍着了。。人到放学。。厉害叻?
到了放学,一上车。慧芳就跟我说他们去我家过夜, 我听了虽然在他面前没什么反应,但在心里蛮开心的。。但过后他又加了一句,骗你的拉。。那时我也扮的没反应, 但心里却……不懂有什么感觉。。哈哈。。。今天是我在这几个月里,最开心的一天。。虽然不是很开心啦。。但至少有点点心情好。。我自己慢慢回来了!yeah!!! 安怡!! 加油!! 你可以的!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

stress.... many stress...these stress is given by.. friends.... parent... study... teachers... coach.... chinese orchestra... jian cong... these stress let me almost can't so tired... hope friend can know me...i dun knw wad to do word to discrible me now" tired"... haha... wish to be happy... but nowaday.. it is no way for me to be it!!

Monday, July 21, 2008


啊!! 好多考试。。今天看到你们……不懂做么有点尴尬……想跟你们打招呼……但不敢呢……也不懂做么……哈哈……算了……
在乐团。。突然觉得自己很倒霉。。在我组的,都是反应满满的。。blur blur的。。真不懂要怎样讲,怎样解释他们才听得懂。。真是气死我了!教练今天也给了我们很功课。。就是在星期四练丰收锣鼓。。星期一就要听了。。唉。。好多表演啊!!!也因为myhuayue,很多东西做。突然说版主要换人,一定要使团长和总务和指挥。要我们怎样去跟俊彦何慧芳开口呢?好难做,而且今晚就要解决。唉。。明天还要考试啊!快透不过气了。。

Sunday, July 20, 2008

to yan...

我还是放不下你。。但我已在 试着了。。请你放心吧。我知道, 你一定会找到一个比我更好的对象。但还是劝你一句,别爱得太深。别想我爱你这样那么深。痛苦的会是自己。记得。祝你跟她幸福。你会在我心里的最深处,永远都不会变。加油!!我爱你。。永远爱你。。i'll love u no matter how much it hurt..


haiz..a happy sunday..but im not happy..i felt friend to accompany..stay at home alone..i miss them..felt sorry to them..i apologize b4..but they are still the same..i reali dun knw wad to do..they sae i nvr think of them..but do they think of me b4?actually..we are both wrong in the case..maybe u all still think tat im the one who was the only wrong..我会变到酱其实是我紧张你们,在意你们。但你们知道吗?不知道吧?你们知道被抛弃的感觉吗?也不知道吧?但我知道。现在的我也算是被你们抛弃。我知道我跟你们的年龄不一样。但我很想像以前那样开开心心的玩啊。。别一只说我们的话题会不同。。我只想跟你们过完这几个月。。就这样而已。你们知道吗?你们有没发觉最近除了上次跟你们打球就没跟你们出去过了。你知道我心有多痛多伤心吗?你们知道吗?不知道吧?以前的我们是酱的吗?不是啊!我知道我有错。而且,我对winnie说我要开信得过。。我有啊。。我有尽量啊。但你们没看到。。而是一次又一次的让我不开心。。难道你们要我..算了。。你们不会懂得吧。。还是不说了。。免得你们有误会。。但最后。。对不起。。

Friday, July 18, 2008

a heartpain day.. friend that i trusted most had lie to me..i dont mind they didn't call me go ..but i reali mind people blame on me..i'll be very very very sad now...and the most important is they are my best friend and i trust them the most..nut today..they lie to me..i brother , that is include in the friend i said just now, told me yesterday that they are going to someway for listening a speech...and will be late to school at 10am..and because of that , he went to my friend, wai fong's house to stay overnight. ok..i trusted them that time..until this morning..iwhen i reach school..i heard the annoucement that annouce by the teacher..he said that the bus that take them go for the speech had reach, call them to come out at tat time..but it is just 8 something..i immediately sms my friend and my brother ask them whether they had reached anot..but, none of them so worry..i sms my other friend and asked them whether they had got into the bus anot..but still the reaction..until the school dismiss..i saw my brother's friend..she told me that they didn't go with them ..they went to watch that heart really sad and angry..and my mood become very very bad..everyone that see me will see my black so sad..but i reali wish to be happy..everyday got unhappy things happen...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

a confused day..

early in the morning, my mood is quite ok actually. but something unhappy happen..chinese orchestra..haiz..the teacher lat me feel that the leader tat is me is not important at just oli need one leader at there..there is two leader. one is me and another is deyan. i felt very sad..for many things, im the last one to know just like a normal member. even later to get the news than a normail member..this made me disappointed and thinking to give up..haiz..everythings was so sad..i scare i cant stand anymore..but i will still try my best to "ren "..after reaching home without 5 dad start scolding people with the idiot is already very sad in school..wish to relax awhile, but this matter happened..i really wish to die u so tired.. then after few things happened about friend. they won't bother about me out of their friend cried again..heart is so pain..

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


without u...i felt lonely...i miss u..and reali love u..but you already love another one..u are so fast..within 1 month u go with other so hurt, so deep hurt by u..but..i still love u..